Abu Dhabi University
Master of Science in Electrical and Computing Engineering
The College of Engineering (COE) at Abu Dhabi University offers the Master of Science in Electrical and Computer Engineering (MSECE) program. The College also offers a Master of Engineering in Electrical and Computer Engineering program (MEngECE). The MSECE program offers students opportunities for advanced education in the field of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE), thus producing engineers with state-of-the-art specialized technical knowledge and skills who are ready to serve as experts in their fields and/or to pursue PhD degrees in ECE. The MEngECE, on the other hand, responds to regional and international market demand for engineers with a blend of advanced ECE and Engineering Management backgrounds, thus preparing the Electrical and Computer Engineering project managers of tomorrow. The MSECE program has a coursework option and a thesis option. In the coursework option, students are required to complete 10 graduate-level courses (30 credit hours) in addition to a capstone project (3 credit hours).