Ajman University
Master of Business Administration in Financial Management
Distinguishing Features
The AUST MBA program seeks to satisfy the quality assurance standards set by world-class business programs accreditation organizations such as AACSB and the Association of MBAs.Program Objectives
- To train students in the theoretical and applied aspects of the core business functions such as accounting, marketing, finance, information systems and operations management.
- To train students thoroughly in one of the subject area specializations such as Marketing, Financial Management , and Human Resource Management.
- To ensure, with the help of course offering and case studies, that the students communicate effectively, and provide leadership ability, and team-building skills.
- To train students to manage ethical issues and multicultural diversity.
- To equip students with the techniques and strategic tools to recognize, comprehend and analyze the various dimensions of business environment.
- To promote scholarly research for finding solutions for real-life business problems for the benefit of the academia, business organizations, community and the nation.
Required Credit Hours: minimum 36 hours