Ajman University
General Studies
About the College
The Unit of general studies was established in 2005 in order to cater for the General Education Program, which is an absolutely vital component of tertiary education. Having such a college will render both the required and elective courses relevant, enriching, and appropriate. In addition, they will feature both originality and modernity.
Mission of the College
Ajman University has established the Unit of general studies based on its strategic vision and educational philosophy in its three dimensions: education, information and investment. It aims at providing students with a variety of competencies associated with a range of University requirements intended to lay the ground for their future progress and development, academically and professionally as well.Learning Outcomes
Upon completing the general education courses students should be able to: Outcome 1. Demonstrate basic principles of sciences and mathematics. Outcome 2. Communicate clearly and effectively in the spoken and written discourse. Outcome 3. Acquire basic knowledge of Islamic culture. Outcome 4. Demonstrate basic knowledge of social sciences or behavioral sciences. Outcome 5. Demonstrate basic knowledge of humanities or art. Outcome 6. Use Computer and Information Technology effectively and appropriately.Units of the College The College is composed of the following five sections: Basic Education Section It is responsible for the management of all General Education courses in the fields of Arabic Language, Islamic Studies and Culture, History, humanities, and UAE Society. For the full list of courses see next section. Basic Science Section It is responsible for the management of all General Education courses in the fields of Mathematics/Statistics, Health, Biology, Chemistry, Environment, and Social Sciences. For the full list of courses see next section. Information Technology Section It is responsible for offering General Education courses in the fields of IT, Internet, and Technology English Language Section The section is in charge of the Intermediate and Advanced Levels of the Intensive English Program (IEP) which is offered to students that did not fulfill the English Language Proficiency Requirement but they had scored at least 450 in TOEFL or its equivalent. It is also responsible for ESP, English Communications Skills and English for Mass Media courses. Academic Counseling Section The section is in charge of the orientation of new students to assist them in the transition from High School Environment to University Environment. Offered General Education Courses Every AUST student is required to complete 30 credit hours in General Education covering the following areas: Mathematics, Science, Information Technology, Languages, and Social Sciences & Humanities. After a review of all offered programs at AUST, the Academic Council of Academic Affairs & Scientific Affairs identified 24 out of the 30 credit hours of General Education that could be taken by all AUST students independently of their specialization. In fact, the College of University Requirements & Academic Counseling is responsible for offering 15 credit hours, see below, that are compulsory to all students and 9 credit hours to be chosen from a large number of courses covering the different areas of General Education.
Academic Departments
0 Undergraduate Programs 0 Graduate Programs