Al Ain University of Science and Technology
Bachelor of Education in English Language Teacher Education
The English Language Teacher Education Program is designed to provide an array of courses that acquaint students not only with the mechanics of the English Language as a whole but with progressive methods of teaching literature, writing, and communication skills. Course instructors use a variety of teaching methods including active learning, digital language and microteaching labs to achieve stated objectives. In order to graduate, students need to successfully finish a total of 126 credit hours. Students study university general requirements (33 C.H), college compulsory courses (15 C.H), college compulsory professional courses (18 C.H), compulsory core courses (48 C.H), elective courses (6 C.H), and free elective courses (6 C.H). In light of the general requirements, the program offers the courses in a certain sequence to help achieve the program’s objectives. The model study plan is divided into 8 semesters (Fall and Spring) whereby students take 15 CH each semester, with the exception of the sixth and seventh semesters where they take 18 CH; the suggested study plan does not include summer semesters which are optional for students which means, if they do decide to study in the summer, students will be able to graduate in less than 4 years. During the final semester of study, the student teachers in the department are required to teach learners in the local schools. As stated in the Course Description for Student Teaching (Clinical Practice), “The aim of this course is to provide candidates with an opportunity to spend a full semester of student teaching in one of the schools. During the course, candidates are expected to demonstrate mastery of all standards for beginning teachers that have been adopted by the College of Education teacher programs.” The evaluation of students occurs in many contexts, with the most formal being through the evaluation of exams, quizzes, homework assignment, projects and class participation. These tools are used to determine how well each student meets the outcomes of each course and they provide the grade given to each student. The Department requires a minimum GPA of 2.0 out of 4.0 in order for any student to graduate. Some of these instruments used to reach decisions intended to improve the program and its outcomes; included are short papers, presentations, mid-term and final exams, team projects, quizzes, term papers and practicum.
Required Credit Hours: minimum 126 hours