Al Ain University of Science and Technology
Master of Science in Clinical Pharmacy
The program is designed to integrate advanced didactic courses with case application exercises, advanced clinical clerkship experiences, and a research project. The main objective of this program is to equip graduates with advanced knowledge, skills, and practice capabilities to practice the role as clinical pharmacist in all hospital aspects including ambulatory care, acute care, intensive care, long-term care and drug information center activities. It is divided into three components, didactic lectures, clerkships and research project. The didactic component comprises 2 and 3 credit hour courses in pathophysiology and therapeutics, clinical pharmacy practice, biostatistics and clinical pharmacokinetics. These courses will be conducted in two semesters and complemented with two required clinical clerkships dissertation. This comprises 24 credit hours of the didactic courses, 6 credit hours of the clinical and dissertation of 6 credit hours. The course is designed to be accomplished in two full time or four part time academic years.
Required Credit Hours: minimum 36 hours