American University in Dubai
Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering
The Civil Engineering Program prepares a culturally diverse student population for successful professional careers in civil Engineering at the local, regional and global levels. The Program is designed to ensure excellence in multiple technical areas within the broad field of civil Engineering , while emphasizing the role of general education, ethical and social responsibility, and life-long learning in the personal and professional growth of future civil engineers.
In support of its mission, the Civil Engineering Program strives to produce graduates who will…
- Pursue successful careers in civil engineering or related disciplines;
- Engage in further learning through graduate studies or professional licensure;
- Contribute to socio-economic development and environmental sustainability;
- Succeed in multicultural environments as effective communicators and team leaders;
- Promote the profession by providing opportunities for training and development;
- Adhere to the highest standards of ethical and professional responsibility.
- apply knowledge of math, calculus, physics, and engineering sciences
- conduct lab and field tests, design experiments, and analyze and interpret relevant data
- use the modern tools, techniques, and software necessary for civil engineering practice
- identify, formulate, and solve problems in multiple civil engineering sub-disciplines
- design elements, systems, and processes within realistic technical and non-technical constraints
- communicate technical information effectively in written, oral, and graphical formats
- work in multicultural intra-disciplinary and cross-disciplinary teams
- explain the role of ethical and professional responsibility in civil engineering practice
- describe the global impact of civil engineering solutions on the economy, environment, and society
- demonstrate familiarity with modern trends and current issues in civil engineering
- engage in lifelong learning through research and educational experiences outside the classroom