American University in the Emirates
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science - Digital Forensics
The Digital Forensics specialization provides the necessary knowledge, and skills needed to collect, process, preserve, analyze, and present the computer-related evidence in support of criminal, fraudulent, counterintelligence, or law enforcement investigations. Students will use a variety of hands-on tools, with the support of well-established international methodologies employed in a variety of environments related to operating systems, file systems, networks, mobile devices, and electronic discovery of data. The idea is a continuum of thoughts within the industry stakeholders in developing expertise in digital forensic investigation, enterprise security, criminology, prevention of hostile cyber-behavior, criminal activity and breach of rules and procedures in a network-centric environment.

Established in 1976, the Ministry has a number of departments, including the CAA, which provides institutional licensure and degree for private universities
Entry Requirements
Attested high school (grade 12) certificate or its equivalent with minimum average of 60% | for scientific and literary streams. Other streams will require a minimum score average of 70% equivalency and a letter will be required for certificate earned outside UAE.
English Proficiency
PBT 500 | iBT 61 | IELTS ACA. 5.0 | PEARSON 44 | IESOL B1/B2 | CAMBRIDGE 154