Gulf Medical University
Bachelor of Biomedical Sciences
BachelorĀ of Biomedical Science program is a 4-year / 8-semester / 128-credit program offered by College of Medicine, GMU. The goal of the program of studies leading to the Degree of Bachelor of Biomedical Sciences has been developed to enable the graduates to integrate a broad generic base of knowledge and skills in fields affiliated to medical sciences and acquire competencies at an in-depth level in an area of choice. The program will also emphasize and equip the graduate with the skills needed for life-long learning, effective team work and scientific enquiry. The program comprises of general education and core biomedical science courses with all courses being mandatory. Students are required to submit a research project as part of program requirement. During the last semester, the student is rotated to various laboratories and / or medical diagnostics industry to gain on the job experience under the close supervision of his/her supervisors which serves to provide opportunities to attain appropriate higher level skills before they enter independent practice as laboratory and/or research personnel. At the end of the program the graduates will be able to enter a career that is service-oriented in the laboratory sciences or medical diagnostics industry or in an academic field in the Basic Sciences. An additional path that will be open to the graduate is embarking on an intensive course of studies in a field such as Laboratory Medicine, Clinical Chemistry, Toxicology or Molecular Biology, Public Health etc. leading initially to a Master degree.
Required Credit Hours: minimum hours