Hamdan Bin Mohammed Smart University
Master in Islamic Banking and Finance
Islamic banking is considered to be most notable innovation in the banking sector in recent years. Islamic products and portfolios offer a viable alternative mode for investment and finance in recent years. The Islamic finance industry has experienced a remarkable growth during the past two decades. At present, more than 350 Islamic banks and financial institutions are operating in over 60 countries in different regions including Middle East, Europe, America, South Asia, Far East, Africa and Australia. The current size of global Islamic finance industry assets is approaching US $1 trillion, and is expected to reach US$4 trillion by 2020.
The Master of Islamic Banking and Finance program seeks to educate and train learners in the specialist areas of Islamic banking, Islamic Finance, Shari`ah, Islamic Economics, Islamic Financial Contracts and Products Development, Accounting for Islamic Financial Transactions, Risk Management in Islamic Financial Markets and Institutions, Islamic Corporate Governance and Legal and Regulatory issues in Islamic Banking and Finance. The Master of Islamic Banking and Finance program will explore theoretical concepts and share regional best practices using case studies.
Target audience
The Master in Islamic Banking and Finance is addressed to all those who want to become future leaders and professional in the Islamic Banking and Finance. The program is designed for both in-career personnel as well as fresh university graduates who are keen to acquire critical knowledge and skills in areas related to Islamic banking and finance and Islamic Shari.