Hamdan Bin Mohammed Smart University
Bachelor in Business and Human Resource Management
The Bachelor in Business and Human Resource Management degree prepares graduates for a career in the specialized area of Human Resource as a generic professional field and provides them with a solid grounding in the functions of the human resources management. It enhances and develops competence and intellect to succeed in this increasingly competitive business environment. A strong foundation in the principles of business and their evolution is developed in early courses of years one and two of the program. This will provide learners with a fundamental understanding of traditional business functions and the processes that link them. Advanced courses such as Employment Law, Recruitment and Selection, Compensation, Training & Development, Labor and Relations, Pension & Benefits Plans, Applied HR Business Policies, Human Resource Planning, Occupational Health and Safety, and International HR Management provide a more detailed examination of the functional areas of human resources management. Target audience This program is addressed to all those who want to become future leaders and professional human resource managers in private, government and social/community sector organizations. The program is designed for both in-career personnel as well as fresh high school graduates who are keen to acquire knowledge, skill and training in areas related to human resource management for enhancing their career prospects.