HCT - Dubai Women's College
Emergency Medical Services
The Bachelor of Applied Science in Emergency Medical Services is a four-year post-Foundations programme that combines general studies with comprehensive paramedic instruction. The programme is run in partnership with local government agencies in the United Arab Emirates and seeks to train candidates to manage and lead in pre-hospital care settings. Over the four years, the students will be trained in basic, intermediate and advanced life support skills. This knowledge and the skills will be complemented by courses that encourage students to be leaders in the field through research, education and management. The course involves classroom and skills laboratory work, as well as work based experience through preceptors both pre-hospital and in-hospital. As a sponsored programme, graduates will enter into a contract that ensures them employment in the Emergency Medical Services. They can go on to be operations experts, supervisors or managers in the field of Emergency Medical Care and other allied health sciences. The Higher Colleges of Technology seeks to provide our learners with the opportunities to develop, enhance and advance in the emergency care profession.
Required Credit Hours: minimum 131 hours