Khalifa University
Bachelor of Science in Biomedical Engineering
The undergraduate biomedical engineering program at Khalifa University provides a solid foundation in both engineering and the life sciences. The B.Sc. in Biomedical Engineering program integrates engineering and molecular and cellular biology into a single BME core (45 credits), in addition to the Mathematics/Science courses (32 credits), and General Studies courses (26 credits). Each student selects an Area of Specialization (12-16 credits) that provides more depth in a selected area of Biomedical Engineering. The instructional program is designed to impart knowledge of contemporary issues relevant to the health challenges in the UAE and at the forefront of biomedical engineering research in student-centered, collaborative learning environments. The programs overall goal is to produce high quality engineers who will be leaders in their field and who are well equipped to pursue further graduate degrees, medical school, or professional careers.
Required Credit Hours: minimum 140 hours