RAK Medical and Health Sciences University
Dental Medicine
About the College
- The Bachelor of Dental Surgery (BDS) is a five year program offered by RAK College of Dental Sciences (RAKCODS) since 2007. The program is accredited by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, UAE.
- The dental curriculum at RAKCODS is community based. It provides learning opportunities to students to acquire fundamental knowledge and clinical skills relevant to oral health care.
- The program falls in with current advances in dentistry and provides an up-to-date teaching structure including multi- ethnic, multinational staff and student body.
- The faculty and students will have access to RAKCODS, Dental clinics completely equipped with the state-of-the-art dental units. The college is using paperless environment. In this context Hospital Information Management System is already implemented for maintenance of patient records.
- The students will be offered opportunities to carry out discipline based, comprehensive oral care on their assigned patients.
RAK College of Dental Sciences BDS program is accredited by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, UAE and is also listed in the EMRO WHO listing (WHO Directory of Dental Schools).