RAK Medical and Health Sciences University
About the College
RAK College of Nursing under RAKMHSU supports the mission and vision of the university. RAK College of Nursing is a dynamic and evolving organization which will prepare competent professional graduate nurses for diverse health care delivery and leadership roles. RAK College of Nursing is providing nursing scholarships for deserving students
Philosophy of RAK College of Nursing
- The nursing faculty believes that the purpose of University-Based nursing education is to prepare professional nurses whose practice is informed by theory and research.
- Our philosophy is one of active participation with our students and with practicing nurses in our community, region and beyond. We are committed to providing a high quality of nursing education and to the advancement of nursing knowledge and the profession.
- The philosophy of the undergraduate curriculum is rooted in values of excellence, diversity, community, social justice, integrity, and creativity. Preparation for the various roles in practice requires knowledge of the arts and sciences, together with content and processes foundational to the discipline. We are a community of learners and scholars—a community that is created in collaboration with students.
- The faculty believes that their teaching styles need to take into account the diverse nature of how students learn. Ultimately, nursing education requires a commitment to community service, scholarly inquiry, interdisciplinary and life-long learning.