United Arab Emirates University
United Arab Emirates University

United Arab Emirates University

Doctor of Business Administration

The DBA is a four-year blended part-time program and is structured in two stages. Stage One consists of two years of course work that covers research philosophies, qualitative and quantitative research methods, research in support of business functions, literature review & critique, and human factors and social responsibility. Stage Two lasts two years and comprises the DBA thesis. At this stage the formal teaching aspect of the program ends and students are expected to use the knowledge gained from Stage One to undertake a research investigation that represents an original contribution to professional thinking and practice and has high academic merit. DBA candidates often tackle issues of real importance to their own organizations, thus delivering high-utility outcomes and enjoying the rewards of seeing their solutions beneficially implemented. During this period, the student's work will be overseen by a Thesis Committee. The program is completed after successful submission and defense of the dissertation.

Required Credit Hours: minimum hours