United Arab Emirates University
About the College
The College of Engineering was inaugurated in 1980 and includes five academic departments that offer seven Bachelor degrees, namely Architectural Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Communication Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, and Petroleum Engineering, all of which are recognized nationally by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, in addition, all undergraduate programs in the College of Engineering are accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET, http://www.abet.org. The Engineering departments also offer M.Sc. degrees in all the Bachelor disciplines plus Water Resources, Material Science and Engineering, and an interdisciplinary Masters in Engineering Management. PhD studies is also offered in all the scientific disciplines. Students will complete their studies in the new state-of-the-art University campus that includes world-class facilities and laboratories. These new facilities position UAEU as a top-class provider of engineering programs. It has greatly enhanced the teaching, learning, and research environment for students through smart classroom technologies and curriculum material readily available through the Blackboard course hosting portal. The College programs integrate industry-standard engineering software for analysis and design such as LabView, Autocad, HYSYS, Fluent, ABACUS, ANSYS, and others, and through partnerships with industry, students get to use specialized industry packages in their designs and research projects. These tools combined with educational pedagogy that emphasizes interactive teaching and learning, project based learning, and communication and team skills have significantly enhanced the educational experience for UAEU Engineering students. The effectiveness of the College of Engineering in designing and delivering quality academic programs has been greatly facilitated by the partnerships which have been forged within the public and private sectors throughout the UAE. Bachelor students conduct their internship training at over 200 companies and organizations throughout the UAE and internationally, and industry representatives regularly provide informative seminars to students. Both representatives from the industry and college alumni provide valuable feedback to the Engineering departments to ensure the curricula is updated to meet the industry’s needs and the requirements of accrediting bodies.
Academic Departments
9 Undergraduate Programs 16 Graduate Programs