University of Wollongong in Dubai
University of Wollongong in Dubai

University of Wollongong in Dubai

Bachelor of Commerce in International Business

The premise of the International Business program is to apply a globalised perspective to the management and development of commercial enterprise. If you are interested in working within different social, political and cultural contexts, the BCom in International Business will provide you with the knowledge and understanding to operate in a worldwide arena. At UOWD, the BCom in International Business offers three elective tracks, allowing you to specialise in Marketing, Financial Management or Human Resouce Management. Each will develop your skills and understanding of conducting trade in a global economy and in developing cross-cultural business relationships.

Career Opportunities

UOWD’s BCom in International Business provides a comprehensive overview of commerce in a global context, which is applicable to a range of business sectors. The program’s international focus also prepares participants for careers in a transnational environment. Graduates of the BCom in International Business can undertake professional roles such as:
  • Import/ Export Managers
  • Freight Handling Technicians
  • Logistic Technicians
  • Sales Managers
  • Account Managers
  • Relationship Managers
  • Human Resource Assistants.
Required Credit Hours: minimum hours